Sunday, June 24, 2007

IHT field trip: Middleground reunion

Funny thing about reunions: they bring people together.

When Institute of Higher Thinking music professor emeritus Michael Avant returned to Statesboro for a high school reunion, it prompted an impromptu reunion of the band Middleground. That, in turn, prompted all of the Old Gang to gather just walking distance up Lanier Drive from the Institute at our favorite local watering hole, Dos Primos. The "Two Kids" lauds itself as "the best damn bar in the whole world," which may be just a tad of an overstatement, but for one night there's no place the faculty of IHT would have rather been.

Above: Music professor emeritus Michael Avant wails.

A large time was had by all. Except for when one unnamed IHT Dean was manhandled off the deck by an irritable bouncer—apparently the ball-shrinking side effects of his steroids made him a little testy (no pun intended). Patrick Swayze would have been appalled at the breach in bouncer etiquette.

Quoth: "Be nice. Be nice until it's time to not be nice."

Anyways—there is a big announcement coming very soon on IHT. Pay attention. Until then, enjoy the semester break and don't forget about your summer reading.

Bob Davis's pheromones, unconstrained by clothing, work their magic on the unsuspecting women of Dos Primos. Bravo, friend. Bravo.